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Friday, October 31, 2008

Xbox 360 Racism Online ...?!?!

Xbox 360 Racism ...? from Dennis, Jr. on Vimeo.

So of course I get busy in Call of Duty 4, Madden, 2k9, Live 09, and any other game that goes in my Xbox, but for being so good at many things in life, do I have to be rewarded with racist comments ...?!?!

Maybe I'm just the best ...?

Shout out to Lt Snowpuff for the great messages. You never know who's watching or recording ...

Tell me what you think, leave comments.


footballfanatic said...

I think that's bang out of order, you should report them to xbox if you haven't already done so.. I guess you probably are the best at what you do on Xbox360 & they are just jealous plain & simple.. making racist remarks in defense is just inexcusable, good luck with catching this idiot.

Anonymous said...

down with niggers and beaners